Sunday, December 01, 2013

Advent begins.

I love Advent. As a Catholic Easter and Christmas are our two most special times in our church calendar. As a child nothing filled my tummy with the fluttery feeling of butterflies as much as the four weeks before Christmas. One by one the candles were lit on the Advent wreath in church. With every candle another week had passed and the time was creeping closer and closer to that magic of Christmas day. 

I don't make it to Mass every week. I know that I can be a good Christian in how I live each and every day and not just by spending one hour a week under the churches roof. Even so I make every effort I can to try to get to each of the four Advent masses. 

When I was allocated to do Children's Liturgy this weekend I was delighted. When I got to church I was asked if I would like to be the parishioner who went up to light the first Advent candle in the parish wreath. The butterflies kicked in and I was like a child trying to keep my smile from exploding from my face. After lighting the main wreath I got to bring the kids across to the parish hall where we made our handprints and cut them out to make our very own children's wreath. 

I came home on cloud nine. 

Four weeks to go...

The butterflies are barely being kept under control. 

What does Advent mean to you? 

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