We have talked about wanting a swimming pool in our garden ever since the new house was still in the paperwork stages. It is a big expense and so we put it to the bottom of the list of "needs" even though it was still high on the list of "wants" ! It is still winter here but spring is on the way and we have had a few really hot days over the last few weeks. We decided to make enquiries into the cost of a small pool to see if it was something we could think about over the next 12 months or whether we would have to put it on a 2-3 year plan.
That was two weeks ago. Last week we signed the contracts and this week the surveyors have been out mapping the garden and preparing our planning application!
We have chosen a 7.9 metre rectangular pool with a set of curved steps at one end. It will sit in the back right corner of the garden as you look from the back of the house. It will be in view from the TV room, kitchen and eating area so it should be possible to keep a good eye on the kids as they splash about. It will be close to where our new patio is being laid so we will be able to BBQ, eat and drink with friends on the patio while keeping a close eye on any kids in the pool.
The estimated time for arrival of the pool is early November with a two day installation process. That is if we get granted Planning Permission from the local council without any major hiccups. Worst case scenario we are hoping to be swimming by the Christmas holidays which is the hottest part of the year.
Time to go shopping for some new swimmers!!