Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Civic Theatre Excursion.

Sian's class had an excursion today to the Civic Theatre in Newcastle. They had to travel in by train and had an early start to get to the train station in time. It was a bit of a juggle for Byron as I was working from 7am and he had to be at two different places at the same time, the train station at 8.14am with Sian and school at 8.20am with Rhiannon and Gareth.

We asked a favour from a family who live on our street. Their daughter Jessica is in Year 6 with Sian and also needed to be at the station so we asked them to please bring Sian so Byron could bring the two little ones to school and then race on to work. All Byron had to do was drop Sian to her friends house by 7.45am. Not too hard you would think. Easy if you can find the car keys.... A mad scramble if they are no where to be found!

In the end Byron grabbed Sian by the hand and ran her down the road as fast as her legs would carry her and delivered her to Jessica's family who were sitting in the car waiting! Sometimes working part time and escaping the chaos is not such a bad thing! Here is Sians blog on her excursion....

My Excursion: By Sian

Today I went to the Civic Theatre by Train to watch an Anzac service based on the diary of Trooper Ernest Pauls. The Civic Theatre was really beautiful. It was very dark inside.

The actual service was full of people talking, acting and people laying poppies on the Australian flag.

Also there was some bugle playing and an orchestra. ANZAC means Australian New Zealand Army Corps. Anzac day will be celebrated later on this month on 25th of April. It remembers all the Army troopers that did not make it out alive from the war at Galipolli. I sat in the upstairs part second row from the front. There were loads of different schools including 8 high schools. The actual service was quite sad and very serious but when the orchestra started playing and the people started acting it put a smile back on most peoples faces. So I hope on the 25th of April you will stop and remember ANZAC day too with a minute of silence. We got the train home again and it was good fun!

Mr Jennings (my teacher) and Ms Smith from 6S

Brittany and Jessica

Gemma and Maddie

Amy and me!

1 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. Gina,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Your busy morning sounds like most mornings at our house! Ha!