Friday, May 28, 2010

My luckiest day EVER!

Today was a great day according to Gareth. In fact to quote him it was "My luckiest day EVER!"

You see yesterday we had a phone-call from the bank. They wanted to speak to Gareth our 7 year old. Not your average phone call then. After explaining that Gareth was still at school but would be home in half an hour they promised to ring back. He was a bit nervous as the call came through and we passed the phone to him. The bank lady told Gareth she had some good news. He had won a competition!

A few weeks back he had been given a picture of a clown to colour in. He had put so much glitter glue on it that it was as heavy as a rock! He had stuck on googly eyes and a red ball of fluff for the nose. After letting it dry over the next few days it was finally handed in to the bank reception area to the oohhhs and aaaghs of the staff.

And so today after school we drove down to the bank to collect his prize. He was given a bag full of goodies, stickers, pencils, balloons, activity books, you name it! He was grinning from ear to ear. The self proclaimed luckiest boy in the whole universe!!!

5 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. How wonderful for your son.. A truly amazing picture.. Well done.

  2. That really a a remarkable picture and very well done.

    I love all the glitter and the special nose.

  3. YAY! Great job, Gareth!

  4. Wow! Those Baynhams are a lucky bunch, aren't they? ;^) Congrats to Gareth!

  5. What a great job you did Gareth!! So creative! Congrats to you... I bet you will find you will have many, many, , more "Luckiest Days" of your life!