Thursday, September 01, 2011

One step at a time...

Life here in the Baynham family is getting back to normal one step at a time.

I booked in to the counsellor that work provided and I must say that I felt like a fraud walking in to the building. Thoughts like "I'm not crazy" or "I must be really weak to need professional help" swam through my head. Along with "Please God don't let me see anyone I know here" I had a lot of preconceived ideas about needing therapy. The session was really good. It felt safe opening up to someone who had no connection to my family or circle of friends. Once I had  got past trying to persuade her/myself I wasn't nuts and I actually opened up about the last week and how it had affected me I found it very helpful. The bottom line was that all my reactions/thoughts/feelings were fairly normal and I was already doing the suggested coping strategies they would advise.

Do you hear that my friends I'M NORMAL! I wish I'd asked her to put it in writing!

I am fitting easily back into the role of normal Gina, mum, wife, nurse, friend, sister, daughter and mad Auntie to my two gorgeous nephews.

Thank you to all who have sent me messages of reassurance over the last week. You never really know how lucky you are to have great friends until you need them. I hope I will get to repay you in due course.

So for now, one step at a time as demonstrated by our feathered friends Wilma and Betty!

7 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. Good to read this Gina, I'm glad you are feeling okay.

  2. Isn't it nice when we discover that we are normal? Sometimes I need reassurance as well!

  3. Well done you for checking in and talking to the counselor. As an American, going for therapy is ingrained in our DNA and for most of us it's not if, but when we'll take our seat on the couch for a the big chat.

    Seriously, therapy was life changing for me. I'm glad you got the reassurance you needed. x

  4. What an interesting photo!
    Cheers from Bangalore ,India
    Dr Sonia S V

  5. I'm so glad to hear that you got some counselling for such a traumatic experience. Glad you are feeling better and that you are back to your normal self again;) xo

  6. I'm glad to hear the counselling session went well. I went to a counselling session after Ella was born because I felt quite traumatised after that experience and the same doubts you expressed were running through my mind. Sometimes you just need reassurance from a complete stranger that you're normal!

    It was lovely running into you guys tonight :-)

  7. You are ABSOLUTELY normal Gina! And I'm just so very proud of you for walking through those doors and seeking out someone to talk to, even though it was scary.