Sunday, July 21, 2013


The Hunter Valley is a breathtakingly beautiful place. The views that wrap around you are so amazing, the colours, the silence, the vineyards lined in rows of perfection extending as far as the eye can see. Match that view with a crisp Winters day and layers of warm jackets and your breath forming vapour clouds in front of you and you have a glimpse into our Sunday.

As the kids get older it is nice to hand them the camera occasionally and to swap sides for a change of view.
Then let your middle child go mad using the Panoramic mode (Previously unused by me) for a different view again!
Then let your wacky middle child persuade you to run around behind her to "reappear" in the opposite side of the same photo!
And then the hilarity truly begins with panorama after panorama of my suddenly enlarged family. 
 Family photos will never be the same again...!

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