Thank you Ausgrid!
We are so very grateful to so many people at the moment. Friends who have invited us into their home to eat when their power returned before ours. A friend who turned up at the door and "demanded" a basket of my dirty laundry and then returned it a few hours later along with two cans of cold beer and some limes from her garden! Friends who delivered their generator to our door because their power had been restored and they wanted us to be able to borrow it. All the friends, neighbours and family who kept in touch by text messages, making sure everyone was doing ok. It really made us feel part of a supportive community.
BUT the biggest "Thank-You" goes to the men from Ausgrid who have worked tireless day and night returning power to us all. This crew worked hard all day and then finally, with a big fluoro pole and to rounds of applause from us on our doorstep, WE GOT POWER!