23:01:14 Buckingham Palace
It was fun in London. Being tourists. Jumping on the Underground, following maps, flicking through travel guides for what to do next. Buckingham Palace was a must-see. As we stood outside we watched a man walking out one of the side gates. He was just like something out of a movie, long trench coat, bowler hat, umbrella in one hand, newspaper neatly rolled under the other. We looked back at the gate he had just exited. A police constable looked back. The kids sidled up to him as I turned on the camera. With a stern voice he said "Just one then. We don't want everyone wanting one, do we?" The kids gathered around him and he broke into a big smile for the photo and then walked back inside with his serious face back on! Such a simple thing for him to do but it is one of the top 10 memories the kids talk about now we are home!