Saturday, March 28, 2009

Window Box.

When we saw the plans for our new house three years ago my eye was drawn to the three kids bedrooms. They were all of a similar size. One stood out. It had a small recess in the wall where the window was. Just perfect for a window seat. Just perfect for Rhiannon. She is the one that needs quiet time in her room away from the chaos of our busy house and before the first brick was layed I knew that would be her room and I would custom build a window seat with a hinged lid for toy storage in it for her.

The first year we lived here money was pulled in every direction and the materials for a seat wasn't high on the list. Then we settled into our second year here and Byron lost his job and I started working again. The time to undertake DIY projects was slipping through my fingers.

Finally, this week, the wood was bought, I had a day off work and out came the drill, the jigsaw, the screws and spirit level.

It took me all day from the time they went to school until 5 minutes before the school bus pulled up but it was made!

Then the next day off work we went out to buy foam to make a cushion. We had bought the soft flower covered fabric back when the window seat was a dream and now it is loosely tucked around the foam. It looks almost there. One more day off work with the sewing machine and the fabric will transform into a proper fitted cover for the foam but for now as far as Rhiannon is concerned she has her special place to escape us all!

1 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. those pictures are amazing! And you did a great job on the seat!