Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hello, It's me Gina. Female, 37, happily married, mother of three....

I love nothing more than sitting in my cozy red armchair and spending an hour on my little net-book editing the days photos, reading my favourite blogs and updating our own. I much prefer taking photos of the family than actually being in them. I think we are all our own worst critic. I always said I would grow old gracefully. That I love the look of a face that shows it's history. I'm not big on make-up. I love a bit of lip gloss and often wear a tinted moisturiser with sunblock. I love that when I need to I can use my full arsenal of my make-up bag to hide the imperfections. I also love that people are used to seeing the me with bare skin more than the made-up me.

So why do I not let the kids take photos of me more often? Why do I hide behind my side of the camera? I tried to transfer some images from my camera to my net-book today and clicked the wrong device. Instead of choosing my cameras memory card I clicked a different camera icon. It opened the webcam on my net book and took a photo of me.

So this is me.

This is what I look like as I sit reading your blog, or up-dating mine. There is nothing quite like a bit of sun-flare to distract the eye away from the wrinkles and yes, that is a big spot on the left corner of my mouth!

What about you? How do you feel about pictures of yourself ? Which side of the camera are you most comfortable on...??

14 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. Most definitely behind the camera!!! I struggle with the same issue. I blog to journal. I turn my blog into books, for the gems to have when they are grown, so I really am trying to get some pictures of me in there too! I do want them to be able to show their children that their GG (great grandma) was a fun girl!! So let's GET IN THERE Gina!!

  2. Thank you..
    Thank you so much for taking the time to replied my topicon community at BlogFrog.
    I would appreciate if you can follow my blog too.I truly value you and your time.
    I hope you will stop back often as I will do the same.
    Have a nice day. (I'm following your blog now)
    Quality Time

  3. Hi Gina .. It is a lovely photo.. :-) Why do you hide??

    I hide all the time, hate having my photo taken .. espcially as I have got older, but I know I do not take a good photo, left or right sides .. My husband doesn't know it, but I go through all the photos and delete the ones I don't like .. my choice.

  4. Fabulous the sun flare! You look so nice and relaxed...almost in a dream like state. :)

    I much prefer to be behind the camera. I never thought myself very photogenic. That mindset hasn't improved too much with age either. :) I will take a random shot when my kids ask...but as for deliberately posing for photos, not so much.

  5. I love the photo - and your blog. Visiting for the first time from BlogFrog!

  6. I love it!!!

  7. Awww you look lovely - I like your close cropped hair cut :)

    Considering my appearance, I am really happy with photos of me being taken. Of course, I am selective in the photos I post online. I once put some photos up of what happens to me when my face gets infection, and then when I go into hospital and get bandaged like a mummy, and I was apprehensive of doing this, but then I got nothing but positive support from strangers and friends for sharing my experiences.

    I often hear friends say 'ugh, my hair is yucky, I got a pimple, no no don't take my photo'. My answer to them is usually 'you look gorgeous, if I can be ok with myself being in photos even though I am stared at/commented on each day, then you can be too'.

    Sorry for the long comment.

    Enjoy your week!

  8. That is very cool! I'm glad your computer took a pic of you. I'm more comfy behind the camera too.

  9. Ah, this is so true of most moms I know. I much prefer myself behind the camera, never think a shot of me is any good! Sometimes I look OK in a candid shot, but only if I am laughing....but not too much, that might accentuate the wrinkles!

    Love your webcam shot...

  10. Most often, it looks like Mom is not present at the birthday parties and Christmas celebrations in our house because I am taking the pictures. :)

  11. I'm much more comfortable behind the camera (so much so that if you look through the picture files on my computer of vacations and'd think that I wasn't there). And if I do find myself in front of the camera, half the time I delete the photo. I'm really trying to make a conscious effort to change that -- I want my children & grandchildren to have photos of me!

  12. You are a natural beauty, from where I sit, I don't know why you hide. But.....I do the same thing, I prefer taking the pictures. I find that we hardly have any pictures of me with the kids, it's always the kids with Dad. We are trying to balance this out.

  13. You are adorable. And that sun flare makes you look like a superstar.

    And now that you've used the webcam for pictures, your next mission - vlogging.

    Do it!

  14. Girls, girls, girls - I went to a Women's Forum last weekend and part of it was to all stand and say to the woman next to us "I am gorgeous". We need to believe in our beauty and the speaker encouraged us to stand in front of the mirror each day and say "I am gorgeous"!

    I do not like to have my photo taken - however I know of a man who is disappointed that when his mum died there were so few photos of her because she didn't ever want to be in family photos so ... even though you don't like being in photos, maybe jump in and smile- for your kids and also yourself .. maybe when you look back you'll be able to say - "wow, I looked pretty good!"

    One of the speakers at the Women's Forum sang the Helen Reddy Song "I am Woman" - google it and sing it out loud - great for the soul!!!

    Have a beautiful day.