14:12:14 Christmas card
Christmas cards seem to be a dying art. I've noticed a drop in the number of cards we receive each year. Maybe people are more environmentally aware, maybe the cost of the postage is getting too much, maybe we all have less time to sit and write.
I like a physical card. Especially from my overseas friends. Many of our friends put a photo of their kids inside and it is exciting to see how much they have changed from the previous year. I know many friends are on Facebook now and maybe the idea of the annual keep-in-touch is less needed.
Our postage here in Australia has gone up significantly in the last two or three years. If I go into the Post Office with four cards I can no longer hand over a $10 note and get some change back, I'm left scrabbling for some extra coins to hand over. Even though we have started to be sensible and reduced the number of cards we post I still handed over $100 to our local Post Office last week to post this years overseas cards.
Every year I question "Is it worth it?" I hope so. I know I love the feeling of opening a card from a friend, seeing an envelope covered in little stickers from our Japanese students, or the shaky handwriting of an aging relative.
I 'm not ready to let this art die out just yet.
Hello Gina. I still send cards but as you say it is costly. I would miss getting cards in the post too. But I have cut down dramatically. Luckily for me I don't have to do photos etc. Or the annual letter (never did one anyway). I don't send cards to my cousins , only aunt and uncle's ..son's and wives and all my grandchildren. And maybe a few friends. I do however have a massive box of cards ..Love buying them ..Going to last me years :-) have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New year. xx