11:09:14 Coffee jitters
A friend introduced us to the addictive delights of chocolate covered coffee beans. Having tried them I so wanted to find a bag for Byron to give him on Father's Day. Eventually I found a 1 kilo bag in Bibina, the European food import warehouse. That's right ONE KILO! And dark chocolate too! As you might see in the photo we have made our way through 90% of them and have noticed how very addictive they are. They are so moreĆsh that we keep going back to the jar for "just a few more" and then getting the caffeine jitters and wondering why...?
I don't think I will be buying any more of these for at least another year. Long enough to go cold turkey and break this crazy cycle of no more, oh just one more handful, no more, oh just one last handful...
*jitter, jitter!