Sydney Excursion.
The Excursion to Sydney was so much fun. Fifty 8 and 9yr olds, three teachers and eight parent helpers, 2 hours on a coach and multiple singing "Happy Birthday" at the top of their lungs to the three children who were celebrating their birthdays today! By the end I was wishing I had packed my earplugs!
We started at 7am at school. It was calm and quiet. We were one of the first there and the air was still and the sounds of the birds and the wind in the gum trees made it feel like we were the only people awake for miles around. Within 15 minutes the cars were pulling up fast and furious and unloading excited kids with rucksacks full of snacks and rain jackets. The noise had started and it wouldn't get any quieter for the next 9 hours!
I nabbed a seat next to my friend Karen. For our sanity we chose to let our kids sit next to their friends for the two hour trip to Darling Harbour. It was the best choice we made all day!