Thursday, March 10, 2011


Rhiannon is doing some extra tuition to help her brush up on her English. She is very imaginative but her spellings and grammar often mark down her otherwise great class work. She had a choice between doing Lexia, a computer based program, in school hours (taking her out of class time) or at home. We chose home so it doesn't make her miss out on anything else new that the class are learning.

The first few units were pretty achievable but over many hours and weeks of studying they have got progressively more challenging. She is now up to the final level for Primary school aged kids. The work and words are a bit trickier and I must admit I sometimes have to stop and wonder about the answers myself.

When I heard the computer say "Try Again" multiple times in a row I knew she was struggling. I sat with her and read the screen. For the life of me I could not see what the obvious answer was. We clicked through every possibility on the screen before deciding we were the clever ones and the computer was wrong!

I decided to take a photo of the screen on my mobile so I could show the teacher later in school as I am sure she has had mums say there were mistakes before when it really was just human error. Even she had to agree with us that we weren't gone crazy! Luckily we were able to start the unit again and got a different random mix of possibilities and this time the correct answer was among them!

We think that Rhiannon has probably only got about 2 hours of Lexia left to complete the absolutely final level. She has lined up a very special bribe for herself that she bought in the supermarket a few weeks ago.
I can't wait to tell you about it! Stay tuned over the weekend....

2 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. a year's acply, atply, opply....what the heck? Craziest thing I have ever seen. Try again! Ha Good luck Rhiannon trying to figure it all out!

  2. Wow, almost finished! I remember talking to you about it during the Christmas holidays.