Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You know you go to school in the bush when... share your washbasins with the wildlife!

7 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. Neither child nor creepy crawley seems at all bothered. I don't think I would be that calm?

  2. Oh my gosh.... that bar of soap would go flying while I went running!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.  
  4. Umm eeeek. I couldn't handle that.

  5. Yep lots of crickets around at the moment isnt there! I find them in the house too.
    Karen said she tried to bring you to my monday morning fitness class and you wouldnt come! Please try it out, you just might like it :)

  6. how...could I use that sink!! :)

  7. *SHUDDER!