Saturday, April 26, 2014

26:04:14 Rhiannon

14 years ago our lives changed for the second time. 
14 years ago we went from a family of three to a family of four.
Just one little extra person but, oh boy, how you have changed our lives. 
14 years ago I was so over being pregnant, I just wanted to meet you, our second bundle of joy. 
But you were giving us a glimpse of the chaos that you were planning to throw into our lives by sending us on false alarm trips into the hospital until I truly believed that I was never going to give birth and it was all a big joke. 
I cried as the Assistant midwife showed me to my room and tried to get me into a hospital gown. 
I apologised for wasting her time as I gasped the gas and air. 
I babbled between contractions that it was probably just another false alarm. 
She nodded, smiled, patted my back and murmured soft reassuring words while helping me onto the hospital bed. 
Only a couple of hours later the senior midwife had taken charge and was preparing me for the next stage of labour, the part where I would begin pushing. 
And that's where you really decided to have a laugh and throw a bit more chaos into the room. 
You literally popped out, no warning, no second midwife in the room as per the hospital policy, no birthing pack open and no blanket ready to catch and swaddle you. 
The midwife looked as shocked as your Dad as she scrambled to call for help and wrap you up before you started shivering! 
Yes Rhiannon! You are a constant source of surprise and chaos to our lives. 
You make us laugh, you amaze us with your creativity.  
We never quite know what to expect when you are around. 
Things never quite go according to plan but you know what? 
You make us so happy! 
You are gorgeous and sensitive, artistic and humorous, sweet and loving.
Don't ever change.
Always be yourself.
Keep your creative spark alive and do whatever makes you happy.
Don't judge yourself against the benchmark of the people around you. 
Judge yourself against your hopes and dreams, whatever they may be.
Grasp life with both hands and enjoy it.
Break the molds.
Make your own path.
And know that we will forever be following you, watching you, loving you and being proud of you.
Just because you are you.

3 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your very special middle child! It's a great place to land in the birth order!!

  2. Happy birthday gorgeous girl. We're so happy to have you in our lives xx

  3. This is absolutely beautiful!! Your daughter sounds like such an amazing girl!! And she's quite beautiful, too!!! Happy belated birthday to Rhiannon!!! xo