Saturday, November 14, 2009

Slugs and snails...

7 comments - click here to leave your comment:

  1. Yes, little boys are certainly made of these things!! I have three of them to prove it!! :) Thank you for the wonderful post and pic. :)

    ~ Wendy

  2. to spiders I think my next least favorite thing ever is slugs! While they don't frighten me as much as spiders, I could go the rest of my life and not step on another one barefoot. shudder

  3. My hubby HATES them... it makes me laugh. I dont mind them personally. Much prefer to come across a slug then a huge huntsman spider!

  4. They sure are!!! So sweet! Great photo!!!

  5. Whew! I can handle slugs and more spiders please! LOL!

  6. Great photo.... love the mirror effect in the window!!

  7. How cool! Great photo. Boys and creepy crawlies...I am still adusting to the lizards in our house...shudder